Hello Everyone,
I just thought I'd take a quick minute to share some resources you might find enlightening. Feel free
to share with your colleagues.
The February issue of the newsletter, Relating@Work is out and can be viewed here
If you'd like to subscribe, the signup page is on the left hand side of my website.
Personal Branding - If you haven't yet made the time to focus on creating your personal brand, a great place to start is with Steve Pavlina's recent article. Check it out here
Personal Brand Blog - Dan Schawbel has created an entire blog dedicated to personal branding. Subscribe to his RSS feed and keep yourself up to date on what's going on in the world of personal branding. Check it out here
Effective Internet Presence - Have you Googled your name lately? If not, do it now and see what you come up with. Right after that, go download Ted Demopoulos' complimentary ebook about how to create an effective internet presence. It's right here
That's it for this time! Post your favorite resources and I'll share them!